歐盟與塞席爾雙邊漁業合作協定生效歐盟與塞席爾政府互相公佈已完成漁業合作協定批准程序,定7月24日生效。歐盟執委會也找房子決定延長 2008年提供塞席爾輸往歐盟高達3,000公噸無原產地證明鮪魚與鮪產品暫准免稅優惠期限。上述措施不僅能補償低漁獲票貼與國內鮪罐廠原料魚來源短缺之苦,更相信此一ESA與EU臨時夥伴合作協定架構下,可確保雙方安然渡過轉型期。(摘譯自買屋INFOFISH Trade News,15 Sep. 2008)Seychelles/ EU: The European Community and the Government of the Republic of 買屋Seychelles notified each other of thecompletion of the ratification procedures for the Fisheries Partnership 住商房屋Agreement that came into force on 24 July 2008. TheEuropean Commission has also extended the temporary ARMANIderogation on the Seychelles for duty free import into the EC of upto 3 000 MT of non-originating tuna and tuna 烤肉食材products in 2008. This measure is to compensate for the low catches and lackof raw material for the country’s 景觀設計tuna canning industry and also to ensure an orderly transition within the framework of theESA-EU Interim 當鋪Partnership Agreement.

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